All are welcome but if you are not part of University of the Arts London please RSVP to [email protected]
We have a limited amount of small bursaries towards travel for JAWS editors, reviewers and contributors.
JAWS Launch 18th March
2:00 Welcome and A general introduction to JAWS and thanks to the contributors and those who helped make this issue possible. Plans for the next issue
2:20 James Campbell from Intellect will talk a little about of Intellect and the process of setting up a journal
2:45 Workshop in two Parts: Kritika Dhariwal and Ruth Solomons will talk about artwork in journals - how do we publish practice based research? Rob and Frank will lead a practical peer review workshop
3:20 Coffee Break
3:30 Panel Discussion with Editors of other journals:
Chris Smith - The Journal of Visual Arts Practice
Donatella Barbieri - Journal of Critical Costume
Ruth Solomons - JAWS Journal
Helena Vilalta - AfterAll Journal
4:30 Questions and Close
5:00 - 6:30 Drinks and Lovely Times