The Launch of JAWS 1.1 will be on Wednesday 18th March in the Green Room at Chelsea College of Arts. Starting at 2pm, we will be including workshops on submitting and reviewing for journals, and a panel discussion with UAL based journal editors. We will also have a special guest from Intellect to tell us about the benefits and pitfalls of starting a journal of your own.
All are welcome but if you are not part of University of the Arts London please RSVP to [email protected]
We have a limited amount of small bursaries towards travel for JAWS editors, reviewers and contributors.
JAWS Launch 18th March
2:00 Welcome and A general introduction to JAWS and thanks to the contributors and those who helped make this issue possible. Plans for the next issue
2:20 James Campbell from Intellect will talk a little about of Intellect and the process of setting up a journal
2:45 Workshop in two Parts: Kritika Dhariwal and Ruth Solomons will talk about artwork in journals - how do we publish practice based research? Rob and Frank will lead a practical peer review workshop
3:20 Coffee Break
3:30 Panel Discussion with Editors of other journals:
Chris Smith - The Journal of Visual Arts Practice
Donatella Barbieri - Journal of Critical Costume
Ruth Solomons - JAWS Journal
Helena Vilalta - AfterAll Journal
4:30 Questions and Close
5:00 - 6:30 Drinks and Lovely Times
All are welcome but if you are not part of University of the Arts London please RSVP to [email protected]
We have a limited amount of small bursaries towards travel for JAWS editors, reviewers and contributors.
JAWS Launch 18th March
2:00 Welcome and A general introduction to JAWS and thanks to the contributors and those who helped make this issue possible. Plans for the next issue
2:20 James Campbell from Intellect will talk a little about of Intellect and the process of setting up a journal
2:45 Workshop in two Parts: Kritika Dhariwal and Ruth Solomons will talk about artwork in journals - how do we publish practice based research? Rob and Frank will lead a practical peer review workshop
3:20 Coffee Break
3:30 Panel Discussion with Editors of other journals:
Chris Smith - The Journal of Visual Arts Practice
Donatella Barbieri - Journal of Critical Costume
Ruth Solomons - JAWS Journal
Helena Vilalta - AfterAll Journal
4:30 Questions and Close
5:00 - 6:30 Drinks and Lovely Times